Patrick J. Hogan, DO
Neurologist in Tacoma, WA

Dr. Hogan has been in private practice since 1988 and is the current Director of Puget Sound Neurology. He specializes in treating patients with movement disorders and migraines. He is passionate about providing integrative care to his patients emphasizing the need to combine lifestyle interventions with traditional medical treatment. He is a past president of the Pierce County Medical Society and has received many awards for his extensive community service, including work on the Tobacco-Free Coalition of Washington as well as numerous support groups for patients with varying neurological conditions. Dr. Hogan’s Parkinson’s treatment program has also been granted national recognition as a Center of Excellence by the National Parkinson’s Foundation. This honor recognizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to the quality of care provided to the movement disorder patient. Dr. Hogan was the first Neurologist in Washington state to be trained to perform Botox injection therapy for Neurological disorders. He has been treating Dystonias with Botox since 1989 and has since expanded his expertise to use Botox or Myobloc Dysport (type A) to treat spasticity, hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating), migraine, and myofacial pain disorders. He now has the greatest experience and treats the largest number of patients with this form of treatment than any physician in the Northwest United States
Dr. Hogan himself is an avid athlete, having competed in numerous full and half marathons, full and half Iron-Man triathlons, as well as other endurance feats. He enjoys traveling, spending time with his children and Grandson and ballroom dancing with his wife Joan.
Current Positions
- Director, Puget Sound Regional Movement and Motility Disorder
- Clinic Director, Tacoma Neurological Headache Center
- Board Member, Healthy Community of Pierce County
- Officer of Washington State Neurological Society
Professional Organizations
- American Academy of Neurology (full member)
- Washington State Medical Association
- Pierce County Medical Association
- Northwest Society of Neurologists and Neurosurgeons
Awards Received
- Army Commendation Medal
- Army Meritorious Service Medal
- Washington Kick Butt Award (for commitment to tobacco control activity)
- Tobacco-Free Washington Certificate of Appreciation
- Pierce County Community Service Award
- Dystonia Doctor of Excellence Award
- Washington State Health Department Health Champion for 2010 Award
- Best Doctors of Washington State, Washington Magazine 2010
Support Groups
- Washington State Dystonia Support Group
- Parkinson’s Support and Education Group
- Puget Sound Regional Dystonia Education and Support Group
- Freedom from Smoking Support Group
- Tacoma Restless Leg Support Group
- Spasticity Treatment Program, St. Joseph’s Medical Center
Dr. Hogan is the medical advisor for each of these groups and attends their meetings regularly.